Bed Bug Spray and Powder

Bed Bug Spray and Powder

The use of bug sprays and powders has been among the preferred bed bug treatments by many. However, what most people do not know is that these two options should be used differently.

Most people would usually spray around their house or would spread the powder believing that it will kill all the bugs. This is one of the biggest mistakes in using these products. People assume what they are supposed to do with the products without knowing the consequences of their actions against the bed bug infestations.

When using sprays or powders, you should use them strategically. You want to kill them and prevent them from coming back, but your efforts will all go to waste if you are not careful in using these products.

Which is Better to Use Between Bed Bug Powder and Spray?

Choosing between the two can be confusing especially when both powder and spray are intended to help in dealing with bed bugs. Most people would assume how they should use the product and only end up making the problem worse. So, in deciding which one you should be using and how to use them, continue reading below.

Bed Bug Sprays

A lot of people say that you should not use sprays yourself. Because sometimes people who use sprays, use it too much and too liberally. They tend to spray everywhere around the house thinking that the spray will get rid of all the bed bugs.

It is not the cure, you got to use the bed bug spray responsibly and use them skillfully. So, you get to make sure that you are spraying on strategic areas.

Here at, we like to keep the sprays applied ideally on the bottom part of your mattress or maybe underneath your box spring. These are best used for the bed frames and some furniture around the bed. You are not supposed to spray it around the house.

A bed bug spray works well when used responsibly and not used around the house. Exterminators would define that when they go to people’s houses sometimes, they would find people who have bought 10 cans of sprays and had sprayed everywhere.

They have realized that they made the problem worse because some of these sprays only deter bed bugs. They do not kill bed bugs. It is only that bed bugs do not like the spray. It is not meant to be a spray that bed bugs like.

Another problem is that bed bugs are resistant to it. However, just because they are resistant to it does not mean that they will still live after getting sprayed.

So, we would like to use the bed bug spray on the bed frame, crevices and cracks that are hard to get. You want to get in these cracks to reach hiding bed bugs.

Cloth and just cleaning do not do the job. So, you want to use a bed bug spray on some furniture but not all around the house.

It is also important that you choose sprays that are specifically made to kill bed bugs. Given their resistance to pyrethroid, which common insecticides contain, it may not work if you grab a can of regular pesticide from the store.

Sprays come in contact and residual options. The difference between these two is that contact sprays are those that work immediately but how no lasting effect while residual sprays are those that can work immediately and remains effective even after application.

Contact sprays are those that kill visible bed bugs upon application. Some of the options we can recommend are our Professional Aerosol Insect Killer, Blaze Bed Bug Killer, or the Sleep Tight Bed Bug Contact Killer. These products are known to kill bed bugs upon contact and should only be used for visible bed bugs.

Residual sprays on the other hand can be applied to certain areas where these bugs are probably hiding. We recommend you use either the Blaze Pro Residual Bed Bug Killer or the Sleep Tight Bed Bug Residual Barrier and Premise Protector. These products have active ingredients that will remain effective for at least a month before another application.

As mentioned, you should be responsible for using sprays in treating bed bugs and read the product label before you use it. This way, you can maximize its effects and avoid making the same mistakes as others who only made their infestations worse.


Bed Bug Powders

Bed bug killer powder is another solution that you can try aside from sprays. Using a powder applicator, you want to it this on the baseboards of your room. All along the perimeter of the room. Now, this creates a barrier.

In a way, if you put this around the perimeter of the bedroom along the baseboards, bed bugs that are hiding in the wall need to cross this path. They will not die immediately after crossing through the areas where you applied the powders, but this will dehydrate them and eventually kill them.

You can use bed bug powder more than the sprays because bed bugs are not resistant to the powder. They can be resistant to spray but with the powder, it is something that can dehydrate them.

Summing up all the information about, you can be more liberal in the use of the powder, especially on the legs of your bed, in the socket of the plug wherever they are hiding or resting.

The use of powder is also an example of a residual treatment. You can apply this anywhere you think bed bugs are hiding or passing through. It is not toxic to humans since it is derived from the earth but is fatal to bed bugs.

After a couple of weeks, you can simply vacuum the powder and re-apply if necessary. If you still notice the presence of bugs, reapplication is highly recommended. This way, you can make sure that all bed bugs in hiding will all get killed in the long run.

Remember that bed bug powder is lethal to these critters. So, you need to apply the powder to almost any surface and narrow spaces where they could pass through.

The most common type of powder used for getting rid of bed bugs is diatomaceous earth or DE. We are offering this Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth that is all-natural and non-toxic. Use it with our Pest Pistol for easier application on cracks and crevices. There are also different DE-based products that you can try like the ones you will find here.


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